The Disruption Network Lab is hosting the conference Kill Cloud: Networked Warfare, Drones & AI on March 25-27th, in Berlin and online. Read the description below and visit the website for the schedule and tickets.
The dramatic situation in Ukraine and the power takeover of the Taliban in Afghanistan demonstrate that war and global humanitarian crises are burning issues at the top of our political and media agendas. But in the meantime, a gigantic data driven, global military infrastructure is being put up – mostly unnoticed by people and uncommented by the media. What is the future of war? Which political and technological strategies are already in use? What can whistleblowing and other acts of civil disobedience achieve in this power game?
In March 25-27, the conference THE KILL CLOUD opens the programme of the Disruption Network Lab 2022. This event interlinks the idea of exposing injustice with the debate on warfare whistleblowing, referring to the use of AI technologies and satellites for surveillance purposes with the aim of enabling targeted killings.