Dossier | The digital housing crisis

27 Berlin initiatives on rent and urban politics recently published the „Mietenpolitisches Dossier 2021“ („Rent Politics Dossier 2021“). Our Research Associate Elizabeth Caldéron Lüning and the Digital City Alliance Berlin contributed two texts, calling attention to how powerful digital platforms exacerbate the housing crisis. The texts are in German and called „Airbnb in die Schranken weisen“ and „Den digitalen Wohnungsmarkt selbst verwalten!“.

The Digital City Alliance Berlin is a transdisciplinary network of organizations and individuals from science and civil society. Its goal is to forge a broad alliance of civil society, academia and representatives of parliament in order to make the digital political, to make it debatable and to ensure that the development of the digital strategy is designed together with the residents of Berlin and that it serves the common good.

berlin, digital, housing, rent