INTERPART – Intercultural spaces of participation

INTERPART – Intercultural spaces of participation
© Design Research Lab, Micha Shenbrot

The project INTERPART (2018-2021) explores the potential of online services and social media in participatory processes of urban planning. In aimes at increasing the democratic and social participation of immigrants on the one hand, as well as initiating institutional change that will make these processes more inclusive. It develops, tests and evaluates participatry tools in social living labs in the Berlin district of Mitte and in the city of Wiesbaden, in order to involve diverse groups more strongly in urban development processes. The project serves the research group as a case for investigating social and digital inequalities, digital participation and digital literacies.

Partners: TU Dortmund, Berlin UdK & Weizenbaum Institute, UrbanPlus, Zebralog, Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung Berlin, Stadt Wiesbaden

Funded by the Federal Ministry for Research and Education BMBF



design research, digital divide, digital literacy, digital participation, installation, urban planning, urban research, workshop