KRISE TO GO – observations and challenges during the covid19 pandemic by the research group 8 inequality and digital sovereignty
The working restrictions to combat the coronavirus outbreak have forced a large part of the working population for more than three months to leave their offices and coworking spaces and to do what is referred to as “remote working” – thus, to work from home. The advantages and disadvantages of remote working, agile workspaces, or working at “the home office” have been discussed even before the pandemic has reached Europe at the mid of march.
Well, there are good reasons to work from home: As fewer people commute to work, environmental pollution caused by mobility is reduced. Moreover, studies have shown that “remote working” has an impact on economic efficiency and can contribute to a more creative and independent workforce (Watson, O., 2017). Apart from this, the possibility of working from home allows workers to decide for themselves whether or not to work from home. In recent years a growing number of employers have taken remote working into consideration to attract and retain employees.
However, the changes in the way we work as a response to the current crisis have brought a change in perspective on many levels. Because, how does it feel when one has to stay and work from home? Does it still feel like an opportunity space of freedom and happy coffee breaks – or do we feel isolated from our colleagues and projects? What do we take away from this as a learning experience? Have our attitudes changed? Which critical questions did arise? Which personal emotions, which structures did it reveal?
Who can (or can not work) from home?
What are the implications of the current COVID-19 crisis on gender equality?
Will things ever go back to “normal,” or will we enter a “new normal”?